Irish men beat World Champions

After saturday evenings three nil defeat to Germany Ireland certainly stepped up their game when they took on the Germans again sunday morning as part of a double header weekend.

The Germans opened the scoring in the thirty third minute when Fritz Montang converted a German penalty corner to give his country the edge just before half time.

Only four minutes into the second half Iain Walker made a superb initial save from another German penalty corner but quick reactions from Sebastian Draghun doubled the German’s score.

In the 53rd minute the Irish finally opened their score line when Watt converted a rebound from an initial penalty corner. Eight minutes later Magee won Ireland a penalty corner, which was converted by Butler to bring the two countries level.

The last five minutes saw Ireland push forward and create some good attacking play. The attacking style paid off when Ireland was awarded two penalty corners in the last minute of play, Butler’s initial drag flick was blocked down but quick reactions from the experienced player meant he made no mistakes on the rebound to give Ireland a superb win over Germany.

Commenting after the game was Coach Dave Passmore “A pleasing win but we have to be aggressive and positive at the start of games, not when we are losing. Hopefully we can pick up from here at the Setanta Sports Trophy.”

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