The road to 2014

From Applicant Cities…
The cities are now officially Applicant Cities and, by 1 February 2006, must respond to 25 questions designed to assess their potential to organise successful Olympic Winter Games in 2014. These questions are contained in a document entitled “IOC Candidature Procedure and Questionnaire”. The cities’ replies will be analysed by a working group comprised of Olympic Games experts who will publish their findings in a report to the IOC Executive Board. The Board ultimately decides which cities will make it through the first selection to become Candidate Cities. This decision will be made on 22 June 2006, after which the Working Group’s report is made public.

… to Candidate Cities
During phase II the cities must produce a detailed technical plan in the form of their “Candidature File”. The Candidature File is the city’s response to approximately 250 questions contained in the IOC’s “Candidature Procedure and Questionnaire” and represents the city’s blueprint for the Olympic Winter Games. During February/March 2007, an IOC Evaluation Commission will visit each Candidate City and, at least one month before the election of the host city, produce a detailed report for the IOC. Following this report, which is also made public via the IOC’s website the IOC Executive Board decides which cities should be submitted to the IOC Session (the IOC’s ultimate decision making body) for the final vote.

Host City elected by the Session
On the basis of the IOC Evaluation Commission’s report and a final presentation by each Candidate City to the IOC Session in Guatemala in July 2007, the IOC members vote in a secret ballot to elect the Host City. The IOC President does not vote. Furthermore, IOC members from the country of a Candidate City may not take part in the vote while their city is still in the race. If no city obtains the majority of votes in the first round, then the city with the lowest number of votes is eliminated and voting recommences until one city obtains the absolute majority. The city that obtains the absolute majority of votes is elected as the Host City.

Once the Host City is elected, the IOC, the Host City and the NOC of the Host City immediately sign the Host City Contract which determines the obligations of each party in the organisation of the Olympic Games.

The Voice of the Athletes
The athletes through the IOC Athletes Commission play an important part in each stage of the bid process; they are represented on the working group that assesses the Applicant Cities, the Candidate Cities and are part of the IOC Membership (those athletes elected through the IOC Athletes Commission elections) that vote for the city that will become the host of the 2014 Olympic Winter Games.

On 28 July 2005, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) accepted applications from seven National Olympic Committees (NOC) to host the XXII Olympic Winter Games in 2014. The cities applying to host these Games are: Almaty (Kazakhstan), Borjomi (Georgia), Jaca (Spain), PyeongChang (Republic of Korea), Salzburg (Austria), Sochi (Russian Federation) and Sofia (Bulgaria).
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