The Olympic Council of Ireland (OCI) and its sponsors P and G and Electric Ireland’s programme of providing tickets free of charge to athletes has been a great success. Its been an innovation which has been important due to the fact that tickets for London have been difficult to access through the normal system. LOCOG and the OCI have made new ground here and the investment in tickets has reduced one area of potential pressure on athletes families watching their loved ones perform.
Pat Hickey said, “Athletes are being allocated 2 tickets per session that they compete in free of charge, except in swimming were one ticket per athlete session is provided. If family members wish to avail of more tickets they can do so through the normal Authorised Ticketing Agencies. In Ireland the ticketing agency is THG.
With tickets in high demand the OCI have worked with LOCOG and our sponsors to ensure each athlete has access to tickets for their family members”
As the ‘Proud Sponsor of Mums’, P&G are delighted to be the first Olympic Partner in Ireland to offer mums of athletes tickets for the London Games. We know from our contact with families of Irish Olympians that access to Games tickets is difficult. We are delighted to help mums overcome this by ensuring they can see their athlete compete at London 2012. This follows our wider commitment to give 95% of our ticket allocation directly to Mums and families”
Nathan Homer, P&G Olympics & Paralympics Director
Electric Ireland is proud to be supporting Ireland’s athletes in their journey to London 2012. When we announced this sponsorship in September 2011 we were determined to make it a partnership with the OCI, the Athletes and their families and this announcement further demonstrates this successful partnership and our commitment to Team Ireland athletes and their families.
Liam Molloy, General Manager, Electric Ireland