Team Ireland at Rio NOC Open Day

The Rio 2016 organising committee has arranged an information day for National Olympic Committees (NOC) in Rio and the Olympic Council of Ireland is represented by Team Ireland Chef de Mission Kevin Kilty, CEO Stephen Martin and medical team doctor Dave Fegan.

Over an intensive two day programme presentations are being given on the Olympic village environment, training venues, logistics, accommodation, medical and sport venues. The  Rio department heads gave the presentations to an audience of over 30 participants representing 20 NOC’s.

The open day continues tomorrow with a comprehensive tour of the competition venues. The purpose of the visit is to engage with NOC,s and ROCOG on all aspects of operational planning and management of the Olympic Team and to gain as much performance advantage as possible. The team will then head up to Uberlandia, the proposed “Team Ireland ” training camp venue, to further discussions with Minas Gerais state authorities, facility providers and local hospitals.

This is Chef de Mission Kevin Kilty’s first trip as Chef to Rio and he is accompanied on the trip by Dr Fegan, a tropical medicine expert, who is covering a number of issues with the medical head here in Rio. He will begin to establish connections with the Rio medical team and the local hospital infrastructure on behalf of the OCI Medical & Science group.





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